Final Reflection

Through the past ten weeks of technical communication module, I have learnt how to write a formal report, letter of transmittal and how to use APA style to cite sources. I believe such skills will be beneficial for me in terms of school and work. One thing that I loved would be the freedom of speech in this module. I am given the opportunities to give constructive feedbacks which allow me to work on my goals. One of the goals I set for myself is to bring across my idea in a better way without offending anybody. Now, at the end of the term, I am sure that I have attained my goal. I do enjoy this class as I can work with different groups of people.

I will be sharing my experience for the class presentation as I was not around during the showcase. Through the presentation, I have observed how individuals present their ideas and portrait themselves. As an audience, I noticed that the body language of the presenter and the content of the slides are very important. This is because both factors will affect the mood of the audience. As a presenter, I have learnt that I should slow down my speech. By slowing down, I will be able to deliver my idea clearly and hence minimise any confusion. Furthermore, I realised that having a good team dynamic is one of the key points to deliver a good team presentation. I felt that I am more confident by having my team members beside me. Hence, I am sure that they ease my nervousness and allow me to perform better.

To sum it up, I really enjoyed attending the class and will apply those acquired skills in the future.

One thought on “Final Reflection

  1. Thank you, Jia Ying, for this detailed reflection. I appreciate your various efforts, in the module and with the presentation that you discuss in this post. It warms my heart that you enjoyed the module.

    Best wishes as you continue your learning journey and beyond.


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